Temanggung district has a total area of 87,065 ha, divided into 20 districts (Map Administration). Geographically located at 110 ° 23'00 "-110 ° 41'30" east longitude and 7 ° 14'00 "-7 ° 31'35" south latitude.
District classified Temanggung most wet climate, with annual rainfall ranging from 2300-3000 mm, dry months occurred during 2-3 months, Based on Agro-climate zones classified as zone B1, B2, and C2.
To determine the ground water conditions in relation to the plant it can be approached in the soil moisture regime that consists of moisture regime hicks, akuik, and ustik. Hicks moisture regime dominates (62.85%) regions Temanggung District.
Based on the results of remote sensing image interpretation and field observation, Temanggung District consists of 3 groups of landform alluvial group (4.55%), tectonic and structural (2.60%), and volcanic (83.31%)
Soil parent materials consist of alluvium (landform terrain on the material in the form of deposits of sand and clay deposits), sedimentary rocks (composed of napal, breksi volcanic, and abuvolkan), and Volkan (Volkan ash, andesite, basalt, andesite-liparit, and dacitic).
Temanggung District hilly region is dominated by 33,185 ha (38.05%), corrugated covering 23,231 ha (26.63%), somewhat flat area of 177 ha (0.20%), a mountainous area of 36,678 ha (42.05%). Flat to undulating region which is a potential area for development of agriculture, an area of 38,301 ha (43.90%), while the rest are regions with a slope of more than 15%. Some hilly areas that have gentle slope is still quite suitable for the development of annual crop agriculture / plantation
Lands in the District Temanggung according to Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff, 1998) consists of 3 of the Order, namely: Andisol, Inceptisol, and Alfisol. Land Andisol has specific properties, among others: soil organic matter content is high (> 3%), lightweight texture, the consistency of loose, low density (85%). Andisol found on akuik moisture regime, hicks, and ustik. Inceptisols land is land that has experienced the development of the structure, characterized by the formation of horizon kambik classified as Inceptisol. Spread on alluvial group (flow path and koluvial land), volcanic (dark plains and hills Volkan Volkan), and tectonic (structural hills). In alluvial areas, soil developed from clay sediment, sand, and dust; in developing regions of tectonic napal; while in developing regions of volcanic material andesite, andesite-basalt, andesite, ash and Volkan. Alfisols land is land that has undergone further development of the structure, characterized by the formation of B-horizon argilik, lining clay / Organic clear, structurally strong enough. Alfisol in the study area developed from andesite-basalt material, very narrow distribution, found in the hills Volkan. This soil is associated with and Inceptisol
Sumber Balai Penelitian Tanah, 2004
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