Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Didik Nini Thowok

Since Mbok Traditional healers play a role as the roguish and getting in the ballet Nini Thowok, sosoknya begin known. Since it also baptized into the name Didik Nini Thowok
Born in Temanggung with the name of Kwee Tjoen An, a change from father By Hadiprayitno (Kwee Yoe Tiang).
SMAN I Temanggung , faculty students starting paspal gold continues to grow, he danced and danced every chance there, act like a teacher and act like a teacher on anyone who found. One of the teachers are Prapto Prasodjo, who also teaches at padepokan property dancers dance senior Bagong Kussudiarjo in Yogyakarta.
With the assistance and guidance of teachers that, in mid-1971, Didik successfully create your own dance choreography, was the title Presentation dance, which is a combination of dance Bali callisthenics and dance of Java. This is the first dance created Didik, who appeared to be the beginning of the many creative dance which he is in the future. What is more impressive, Didik be given the opportunity to present Dance Presentation at the dedication ceremony of building a new school, at Jalan Kartini, Temanggung, also attended by Governor of Central Java at that time, H. Moenadi. The next day, the event (including dance, which is Didik) appear in the newspaper Suara Merdeka. "How can I not proud!" By recollected.

In the event of thanks graduated high school (1972), appear dancing Didik, carries Dance Batik. Here's where for the first time By appearing as a female dancer. Berkebaya and bersanggul, with his lithe movement parade-dance movement that is also a result of his own that.

and now dances Mas Didik up in all duni fragrant and bring the nation of Indonesia and Temanggung particular. students continue to work mas didik

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